Friday, February 11, 2011

Wael Ghonim: Proud To Be Egyptian

I'm proud to be Egyptian. I just want to say, you know, from the bottom of my heart congratulations to all egyptians and, you know, I want to say welcome back, Egypt. To me I've read about egypt in the history books and, you know, they convinced us for 30 days - for 30 years that egypt died and there's no more Egypt. We are just, you know, a generation that need to eat and sleep. You know, so many of the thousands decided to start a journey for Egypt and then they convinced hundreds of thousands then they convinced millions of people. We were all looking for Egypt and thank god that we found her today. I just want to say, welcome back Egypt.

I just want to say to Hosni Mubarak and to Omar Suleiman and to all those people who thought that being in power means you can oppress people, you know, hard-luck guys, you know, at the end of the day, we have a choice and we've made our choice, by the way very early enough and you should have respected that. You are responsible of the killings of 300 innocent Egyptians. You guys paid the price, are still going to pay the price. It's enough, it's enough for you guys that in history books they're going to talk to you - they'll say one word to describe you, a dictator.

Today is the day for celebration. It's very hard for me now to even think. We have been - we haven't been sleeping for a few days. We've been under a lot of war - among the media war. I'm also in the morning - a lot of people saying, wael, you have been logical and not emotional. What's going on with you, so I need to refer - restore my calm attitude. I'm not an angry person, and I became an angry person. I need to get some sleep so does my friends, there are a lot of grateful Egyptians. These guys - there are a lot of people who care about egypt and today I think the problem is solved.

At the moment you break the psychological barrier of fear, The moment you break the fear, the moment you convince people that if they die it's better for them to die for a good cause than to live without dignity which is something that we all worked on in our message at the very beginning. Then you should be sure that you are going to win because these guys are so corrupted, these dictators don't care about the people. They care about their lives and for them life is much, you know, life is much worth it and shame for us - I love my life. We all want to live. We don't want to die. We all want to make - survive free and open-minded. We all want this country to go where it should be. We should be among the countries in the world. We can do it and we will do it.

I want to go back to my company and work. I think it would be a big mistake for me to be involved. Also if you read history, you know, the people who helped the revolution should not be part of the revolution afterward. I think my mission has been accomplished. I just need to work for a few days to make sure that the country is in safe hands and then i need to disappear from the scene.

My mission is over. I want to go back to see my kids. I want to go back to start working. I want to be a normal person and this is about the Egyptians. Those guys - I'm not worried about this country seeing all these people in the street right now.

We are dreamers and we made it happen and it's time now to celebrate for a couple of days and then go back and start thinking about how can we develop the strategy and what's the best for us.

I was actually at my mom's house with a lot of, you know, in my mom's house a lot - like a lot of activists and having sort of like the center of my plan, my - so I was there and we were all of a sudden like I heard my mom screaming. I went out and, you know, it was amazing. She started hugging me and kissing me and started crying and it was, you know, the rest of the family came. It was really good.

Thanks to you and you folks on Tahrir Square. You guys have played a great role in saving the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people. This regime did not care about the people and they would have killed a lot of people if there was no international media. CNN did a great job. You guys deserve a great recognition from all the Egyptian people. We're not going to forget your role

Wael Ghonim: "I'm proud to be Egyptian" – Parker Spitzer - Blogs

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